Beginner Rocketry

Beginner Rocketry
The beginner rocketry group allows students to explore their interests in engineering and aerospace. Under the guidance of more advanced members, students can design and build a level 1 rocket. Members can learn and implement skills from engineering into practical and project experience from designing personalized a nosecone and fins. Students then build their rockets through workshops and mentorship; furthermore, members are given the opportunity to attend certified launch days to receive a rocketry certification. To receive a certification, students are tasked with a successful launch and recovery of their rocket.
We are so proud of our Level 1s!
Every year, new members of AIAA design, build, and launch their own personal high-powered rockets in the Beginner Rocketry division. The purpose of this division is to allow students to obtain their National Association of Rocketry Level 1 Certifications. This certification enables rocketeers to fly more powerful rocket motors.
In 2024, 38 members of the Beginner Rocketry division traveled to Dalzell, South Carolina to launch their Level 1 rockets. 37/38 members obtained their certification! Over the past four years, 72/75 (96%) of members have obtained their certification flights.