

Upcoming events

On March 27th at 6pm, Thao Nguyen from Raytheon will come to discuss his experience in the Aerospace Industry

Past events

Here is what our team has been doing this past year. Follow along for more events or check out our monthly newsletters

2024 Spaceport America Cup Competition

International Competition in Southern New Mexico from June 17-22nd. At this esteemed event UGA place 19th out of 152 teams!

Guest Speaker

On September 5th at, Holly Pascal, founder of Women's Aerospace Network and systems engineer at NASA, is coming to UGA to give a talk about empowerment and innovation solving many complex challenges

Test Launch for IREC's Updawg

The IREC team had a successful launch for their launch vehicle 'Updawg' and payload 'VIPER' 

GRITs Launch

Armando (Sam) Rodriguez 2023-24 Vice President received his Level 3 NAR certification in Nashville, Georgia

Launch Day

The launch day for our Level 1 and 2's for their certifications was April 13-14th & May 4-5th in Dalzell, South Carolina

AIAA Region II Student Conference 

Leadership attended AIAA's conference at Kennedy Space Center in Florida